Steve hit the table with the gavel at 8pm which made everyone jump.
Andrew, Chris and Lisa gave their apologies. We decided that Lisa definitely gave her apologies and Chris might be hungover and walking.
Steve seems to be the most efficient Chairman we have had as he speeds through bits and bobs and doesn’t take crap from anyone.

We received a nice letter from Rosemere Cancer care thanking us for our kind donation of £100 to team Benjamin who took part in the Great North Swim. In the letter they pointed out that 9000 people are diagnosed with cancer in our region every year and we will all be affected.
The treasurers report went on for some time.The highlights are: £80 as an extra donation from the car show, £49.50 from the Hawkshead Rose Queen (not sure what that is!), £206.60 from the Bouncy Castle going to Morecambe, £302.80 from sub letting the Lions Den, £605.60 out for the Lions Den, £100 to Steve’s bike ride, £250 out to Hawkshead Community Health Fund, £200 out to Hawkshead First Responders, some advertising and a big £3000 to Brathay regarding Young Carers.
Lisa just walked in…. Which is strange considering how sure we were that she wasn’t coming.
Peter told us the HSBC in Windermere is closing and we will change our bank account to the Cumberland.
Noel proposed Peter should get an honourarium for all his work as Treasurer. It was seconded by Chris and Peter will pass go and will collect some money. Ben asked Peter if he would arrange it.
Leo’s have kicked off and had a meeting with formal agendas. The name will be South Lakeland Leos. Roy is donating some leaflets. Shauna, Rebecca, Tyler and Chelsea had a sweet stall down on the Glebe, they’ve done football and other activities and raised £54. All four are off to Great Tower to meet children from Chernobyl. They will have meetings every two weeks. Fell Mk2 proposed we donate them a feather banner for when they are out and about doing their good work.
Noel was welcomed back to the meeting and we heard how he has already been driving about and carrying furniture. We also sent a letter to Winny to let her know we are thinking about her.
The Council of Staveley and Ings are happy about our pledge for funds for a playground. But Windermere Town Council are concerned about the old Lions playground on Lancrigg playground. They have asked for funding for half the costs of refurbishing the playground. Ben proposed that we discuss the playground next month, hopefully with a representative of the Town Council.
Lisa left the meeting, for good reason.
Club members will soon have ID cards! Ben will take photos of members. We also received our DBS certificates.
Requests went out for members help to Hawkshead show carparking, the Fun Festival, Grasmere Sports, Heron Hill School, Brathay in September and Waterside caravan park.
The raffle was won by Chris Amos who won what looked like a very nice prize. I think Ronnie lost!
Regarding our friends in Limoux we are hoping to visit them on 13th, 14th May 2017. We hope to be able to book flights in September for as little as £150 return. Thea came up with an idea of a minibus connection to Glasgow for the flight. Members need to consider who would like to go. It sounds fantastic.
Ben told the club about how many people are visiting the website from Brazil. Brazil came third in the global visitor rankings for June and slipped to fourth, behind Germany, in July. Lots of visitors were searching for the classic car show and the santa dash. I cannot confirm if Brazilians are particularly interested in the Santa Dash.
Steve closed the minuting before Chris finished, whilst Lisa had more to say and before Tailtwister. He was told off.
The Tailtwister started with fining the chairman, then Ben for something, with the money dropping straight out of the bottom of the Lion the club fell into hilarity and proposed the Tailtwister be fined which was passed, Maggie put Almoner before Welfare, Ronnie for saying something at some point and Phil for offering.
The meeting actually closed at 21:53 with the standard toast and a “don’t forget your subs are due!”.
If Ben had remembered he was hoping to tell the club two things, firstly a joke about Brazillian Soldiers and secondly that his car windscreen wipers had decided to kill each other and he was left with a single wounded wiper which now had to try and make up for the two other fallen wipers.