Maggie welcomed everyone to the first meeting of 2016 including Roy and Liz Acton. There was a brief discussion as to who was to chair the meeting but it was settled on Maggie. However Peter pointed out that the chair of the first meeting usually buys a round for everyone present.
In correspondence two cards were received, one from a resident who was thankful for firewood deliveries and the second from the Alice’s Escapes family.
The club received an appeal regarding the Guide hut in Ambleside. The Guide hut had over 4 feet of water and almost all of the items inside have been damaged beyond use. The club has previously supported the Guides over the year.
Peter also suggested a donation to the Cumbria Community Foundation to the Cumbria Flood Fund 2015. Along with this Peter discussed £1000 that has been donated to the club from the District Lions to spend on replacing things and cleaning items for people affected by the flooding.
Maggie discussed a case of flooding in Burneside which has forced people out of their homes. Maggie had worked with families in her role working for the WIndermere and Ambleside food bank. She told the club of how the Food Bank could do with a toaster that could be used in emergency situations such as the floods.
Ronnie brought up a family with disabled children who had water up the knees of children in wheelchairs. Many families have been fortunate to find alternate lodging.
Birthwaite Ground flats in Windermere had to be evacuated from the first floor. Over 200 cars were lost on Minsfeet Industrial estate including a car that enters in the Lions Lakes Classic Vehicle Show.
The Club decided to give £1000 to Cumbria Community Foundation for the flood fund, some money for a microwave and toastie for the food bank in Windermere and money to go towards the Guides in Ambleside. Ronnie would keep his ear to the ground about support for families in Staveley.
Unrelated to floods the club decided to give £250 will also be given to Staveley play group for replacing equipment.
Whilst on the subject of children Ronnie wanted to point out that babies born on 25th or 26th of September were likely conceived on Christmas day.
The club are inviting two speakers, one from Holehird and one from Sight advice South Lakeland to future meetings.
Maggie spoke of the clubs condolences to a member who lost their mother to old age. Maggie also said it was great to see Fell MK2 was out of hospital.
The bouncy castle continues to be in high demand with two bookings from Brathay Trust and one from the Cardboard Boat race for spring.
The closure of the A591 north of Grasmere will affect Classic Car show entries. Members voiced their displeasure of how slow it will take to get this vital road rebuilt.
Also brought up on fundraising was the Jingle Bell Jog. The event was very successful for its first year raising over £150 even after significant investments for future years.
Roy moved to fire up the projector and whilst that was happening Maggie started the raffle.

Whilst Liz worked as a slide clicking coordinator Roy told us about changes to the management of Lions in the UK. Essentially Ireland don’t want to be with us any more so in Cumbria we will work with Scotland.
Old Chris has some news on twinning. Just to remind our avid readers we have been looking at twinning with a club in France. Chris apologised for telling us our friends from France would be coming in January, rather they will be coming in April. Chris is now on a “Hi Chris” basis with his counterpart. The French stressed that they had at least one day of rain over the past month. On their visit they will be doing a trail of Whiskey. It was suggested that we organise a reception for them, it is unclear whether there will be whiskey at the reception. Coincidently Chris will be visiting in May, I assume for fine Wine rather than whiskey.
In the raffle Peter won a prize that had too much sellotape to open. He said he would tell us next month what he finds inside if makes it in. I missed who won the losing raffle.
Under the press report we discussed making the Westmorland Gazette twice, maybe being in the North West Evening Mail and being on ITV. The press reported on the Jingle Bell Jog and donations the club made to good causes.
The club will be going to the Carus Green for a Christmas Lunch. Anthony cant make it because he will get a broken leg skiing. Chris will also be skiing but without broken legs. Lisa wont be there but it isn’t because of skiing.
Old Lion Chris thanked members for their support for the Spirit of Christmas event at Low Wood Bay. He is going to have a debrief with the hotel and said that they had had lots and lots of good feedback and letters. Noel mentioned how well dressed and pleasant all the staff were.
In AOB Young Chris mentioned that he went to Brussels and can just about remember supporting the local club by purchasing a large small amount of mulled wine from their Christmas Market stall. Ben mentioned that he was going to grow his beard and had purchased a comb, beard shampoo and beard oil. He insisted that this makes his beard smell like the beard of Zeus, or at least a lumberjack. Liz mentioned that there will be District Club quiz at the Mansell club on the 7th February.
Old Chris fined Roy and Liz for visiting, Roy was very generous as it was Liz’s money. Thea was fined for not completing her knitting. Chris and Keith for courting during the meeting. Anthony for not knowing who the President was. Peter for allowing Chris to spend £3 somehow. Ben for being awesome (and also not having a badge) and Maggie for ratting Ben out for being awesome (and also not having a badge).
The meeting closed at 22:09